Release Notes Peregrine™ v3.0.3

Release date:



Peregrine 3.0.3 is a recommended install for all users.


  • Setup isZeroTrust, isAdmin, IsUserManagement controls

  • Updated NoCID to global variable

  • Setup NoCID Use Case on log in

  • Setup NoCID Use Case on New User

  • Updated NoCID for Configuration File On Switch NoCID and Empty

  • Updated Check Icon for MCID Management and Configuration Management

  • Updated NoCID Use Case for MCID Management On Simple Switch

  • Updated NoCID Use Case for MCID Management On Add New MCID

  • Removed Dialog popup from File Explorer when build path is empty

  • Combined MCID manager and Configuration UI’s into one

  • Updated window containers for dialogs in Device Explorer

  • Wrote functionality for single host details in Host Extended Details

  • Wrote CSV report save functionality in Host Extended Details

  • Setup preview window in Host Extended Details

  • Updated Switch List items in MCID and Configuration Manager current item blue color

  • Update Service layer Zero Trust

  • Setup Stats for Performance monitoring on load for large data sets

  • Setup Get host Count for each configuration file

  • Setup User check management access

  • Updated RTR Admin Action with Client

  • Setup Testing Performance Host Actions

  • Setup get devices and info for Days Last Seen Filter

  • Setup Test for Create Drive list on windows

  • Setup Test for Registry Request

  • Setup/Wrote script to handle User management operations

  • Updated MCID for filter operation

  • Updated Zero Trust service call to support multi threading

  • Updated How to’s for MCID and Configuration Files


  • Fix Remove Button Disable for NoCID

  • Fixed header in Host Extended Details

  • Fixed Get assessment issue by adding Error handler



Peregrine.exe (Windows)


peregrine-mac.tar (Mac x86)