Release Notes Peregrine™ v3.1.3

Release date:



Peregrine 3.1.3 is a recommended install for all users.


  • Zero Trust enhancements:

  • Pagination, UI enhancements, and optional data call on startup

  • Zero Trust now maintains state throughout click-through of application

  • Further error handling for CID/env files

  • Updated batch functionality for Test CrowdStrike detection

  • Created code to identify bad CID’s in configuration files

  • Made zero trust optional when providing host information to the user as well as refreshing the host list

  • Update offline Queue to show completed result in the record set.

  • Enhance load speed of application by modifying how stats are sent to the license server.

  • Separated Device Explorer and Zero Trust datasets for separation of widget services

  • Built customizable Button with Hover, tapped, and selected states.

  • Updated sort buttons with enhanced button theme Device Explorer

  • Updated sort buttons with enhanced button theme Zero Trust

  • Updated sort buttons with enhanced button theme Task Manger

  • Updated sort buttons with enhanced button theme File Explorer


  • Fixed sorting bug in Create and Modified Date in File Explorer Module

  • Fixed NRF issue with app crashing

  • Fixed Zero Trust Sort issues

  • Fixed Zero Trust Pagination issues

  • Fixed Device Explorer Sort issues

  • Fixed Device Explorer Pagination issues

  • Fixed Zero Trust maintain selection state

  • Fixed Zero Trust Clear no resetting pagination

  • Fixed Zero Trust not refreshing Table data when switching to new configuration file.


  • Zero Trust

  • Extended Button fileA



Peregrine.exe (Windows)


peregrine-mac.tar (Mac x86)