Release Notes Peregrine™ v3.1.5

Release date:



Peregrine 3.1.5 is a recommended install for all users.


  • Sort Table by first column on load of each module

  • Update “Offline Queue Manager” functionality to allow user to see more information in the table such as stdout and stderror information.

  • Add Fields to Table Queue Offline Table

  • Update Queue Offline when deleting a record to not call get Queued records and just delete the removed request from the current record set

  • Update output information for Queue Offline in Run Commands and RTR Manager to make more readable for users

  • Add Stdout and Stderror to table info

  • Add sorting and searching capabilities into Task manager processes and start up services

  • Add “Pending” to Filter Dropdown

  • Develop Custom Table with Pagination and Sorting

  • Sort Zero Trust Right Side Table by Host Name on load

  • Update Batch Test Crowdstrike Detection to use batch function

  • Update go falcon API

  • Upgrade Fyne SDK to 2.5.0

  • Upgrade Peregrine Framework to Golang 1.22.5


  • Fix issues related to Upgrading Fyne SDK 2.5.0

  • Fix KeyEvent key listener bug (Caused keyboard input lag)

  • Fix Registry Path not maintaining state when canceling a delete

  • Fix Task Manager (Linux) Button Control

  • Fix Task Manager (Mac) Button Control

  • Fix Task Manager (Windows) Button control

  • Ui Fix for small screen, Peregrine when loading Host Explorer Screen application was bleeding off of screen



Peregrine.exe (Windows)


peregrine-mac.tar (Mac x86)